Wednesday, March 31, 2010

ha ha ha ha

Well....let's see it has been over a month and a half and I haven't posted and I haven't inspired myself and I haven't run the amount of times I should've run. But that is ok.  The flying pig is a month away...I am kind of prepared but as Jake would say "not so much".  However, the weather has changed is super sunny and the breeze is blowing and the world is screaming get a run in NOW.  So trying to be super mom is out today...I am going to miss baseball practice GASP! and run while Jake is practicing.  I have also decided to sign up for a fitness competition (in the figure category...lord knows I can't do the gymnastics to compete in the fitness area) this will be in October and I can't be more excited.  My friend Heater is doing a fitness show and models every week to show her progress...well now I am not ready to show you my rear end yet...but as it gets closer I will be doing my best to show you my progress.

Also, I am now dedicating my blog to doing product reviews on fitness apparel, running skirts, shoes etc.  I can't wait to share with you what I think about women's athletic clothing.  I am a junky, there should be rehab for my disease of fitness clothing addiction. I have nothing to wear out on a weekend night date with my husband but I look damn good at any race that comes up.  Also, I am not biased nor am I paid by anyone to sell their stuff...I will give you my honest to goodness opinion.  I hope you all are well and enjoy the nice weather that is coming our way.


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